Depending upon how a club is organized, club directors and/or administrators and/or team reps are responsible for a variety of non-volleyball tasks, including administrative things such as club/team/member registration with EXCELSIOR, obtaining sanctions and insurance for EXCELSIOR-sanctioned events, and entering tournaments. Contact the adults or juniors director, as appropriate, for more information.
All events, including but not limited to tryouts, camps, clinics, practices, scrimmages and tournaments must be pre-approved by EXCELSIOR in order for USAV-provided insurance to apply. Obtaining an event sanction and insurance is a two step process.
See the AES page for more information about entering tournaments. All EXCELSIOR tournaments, except the Regional Championships, are organized by host clubs. All EXCELSIOR clubs are encouraged to be tournament hosts. Find more information about hosting tournaments here.

Club Tournaments
All adults & juniors tournaments can be found on SportsEngine AES. Click on “Event Search” and select Iroquois Empire (IE) as the USAV Region. Once you click on Search, all events for the Region will appear. Use the search menu (Age Group) to filter the events for Juniors + Gender/Age or Adults + Gender/Level.

Register for a Tournament
JUNIORS – create an account for your club in AES (if you don’t have one already), then register for the event through AES following the instructions given by the Tournament Director.
ADULTS – register for events by emailing the Tournament Director and mailing the registration fee as instructed.
**Note – If the Registration Open Date is equal to the event date, the event has not been approved.