Excelsior Empire requires certified R2 and scorekeepers no later than February 1st for each season at all sanctioned tournaments. All Coaches and Junior Athletes are encouraged to become certified R1 officials as well. See the Excelsior Work team policies and requirements.
R2 certifications will be valid for a 2 year cycle of the DCR (rulebook). When a new DCR is issued, all R2 certifications will require renewal.
There are several ways to become qualified to be your team’s second referee.
Fellowship Events or Clinics
Junior players are strongly encouraged to obtain their certification by attending an in-person clinic and practicing their skills at a scrimmage at a Fellowship Event. Clinics and Fellowships will be announced on our home page as well as added to our calendar or events once approved. R2 clinics may be arranged upon request, usually in association with a Scorekeeper clinic.
There are three steps for Excelsior Junior members to become certified as a second referee [R2].
- Attend a fellowship / clinic. Ensure that your name and club name is on the attendance list and legible.
- Take and pass the hardcopy R2 test at the clinic. R2 certification status in MMS will be updated at this point in the process.
- Successfully perform as the R2 at an Excelsior tournament. See the Second Referee Minimum Proficiencies list on the left. Failure to perform satisfactorily may result in either additional training or revocation of certification.
Starting in 2015, if a junior player cannot attend a fellowship event or clinic, they may follow the steps for our online certification listed below.
On-line Clinics
- Take and pass the online R2 accreditation clinic / quiz at the new USA Volleyball Academy Learning Management System (LMS).
- First, log into the MMS with your existing userid and password.
- Select the “Event Registration” tab on the left side and click on the “Region Ref/Score Clinics” dropdown to pull up the list of all Excelsior referee and Scorer clinics. Register for the EXCELSIOR R2 On-line Certification by clicking on the “Register” button next to the clinic name.
- If your personal information is not automatically filled in, select the “Add” button to the right of the “Choose Contact”, enter your Last Name and optionally First Name in the “Search/Select Contact” pop-up box and click “Search Contacts” at the bottom of the page, then select the radio button next to your name, and click on the “Choose Contact” button at the bottom of the page.
- Click on the Submit button for Step 1 and then click on the Register button for Step 2.
- MMS will automatically register you in the US Volleyball Academy learning management system (LMS) and create a userid and password. You will login using your MMS username and password.
- Log into the USA Volleyball Academy LMS and click on the Catalog ID IE101, Excelsior Junior Second Referee Training, to open up the required clinic courses and test. Don’t worry that the title says Junior – this is the required training for both Juniors and adults to be certified for R2 in EXCELSIOR.
- When all of the required modules are completed, USA Volleyball Academy will automatically update your MMS R2 certification to Current.
- Please make sure that you Logoff the USA Volleyball Academy LMS when you are finished taking the courses.
- Successfully perform as the R2 at an Excelsior tournament. See the R2 PROFICIENCY checklist for more information. Failure to perform satisfactorily may result in either additional training or revocation of certification.
Second Referee Requirements
- Bring your own whistle
- Whistle – loud, crisp, timely
- Correctly check line-ups before each set
- Observe receiving team during service action
- Transition to blocking side of net during rallies (when possible)
- Repeats first referee’s signals; uses proper signals and sequence for R2 calls
- Maintains focus at net during net play (does not follow ball)
- Identifies center line, net faults and touches above the net
- Follows substitution procedures & communicates sub info with scorekeeper
- Administers time-outs
- Assists with communication amongst officiating crew.
Scorer Requirements
- Brings your own whistle
- Whistle – loud, crisp, timely