Membership – The preferred method for member registration and fee payment is online via the SportsEngine registration system.
Club Director – the first step for a new Club Director (and other key adults) is to register as a member and select “undecided” as the club. The Club Director can then submit the Club Application, Registration Transmittal, and Registration list to the Registrar. The Registrar will then set up the club in SportsEngine, switch the Club Director and others from “undecided” to the club, and set up Admin access to SportsEngine for the Club Director and any registered designees.
Additional Club Members – As the remainder of members apply, they can select the club so that once the club director / team rep submits the necessary paperwork and fees, the Registrar can get on–line to process the appropriate registrations already showing in the system.
Required Event Sanctioning – once there is a Club Director with membership and a club, applications can be made to the Tournament/Insurance Coordinator for practice sanctions, providing insurance coverage for any activities. There is no additional cost – it is part of the membership benefits. Any gathering involving physical activity (tryouts, practices, fundraisers, etc) must be covered and all participants must be members. Most schools require a copy of the insurance certificate with them as “additional named insured”.
Uniforms – you will need uniforms for sanctioned tournaments per USAV rules. USAV rules are available on the USAV website and we have printed copies of the rulebooks to be made available at officiating clinics. Uniform requirements can be viewed here.
Need more help? – Contact the Adults Director, the Juniors Director, the Registrar or other board members as appropriate – they will be more than happy to assist.