Important Registration Notes:
- The Region registers participants only with USA Volleyball.
- All participants in any Excelsior-sanctioned events or activities, including but not limited to tryouts, camps, clinics, practices, scrimmages and tournaments must be registered members of USAV. This includes players, coaches, assistant coaches and others. See the Excelsior membership policy for additional details.
- “Regular” memberships allow participation in all USAV and Region-sanctioned events. All other memberships are “Limited” and restrictions apply to participation in National and National Qualifier events.
- One-Day and Multi-Day memberships are available for one event or short term tryouts, camps and clinics (no more than 14 consecutive days for all sessions) at a $10 rate. These memberships can be upgraded to a “Regular” membership by selecting the “One Event – One Day Upgrade” or “One-Event / Multi-Day Upgrade” option in SportsEngine.
- “Other” Membership category CANNOT be added MMS roster. This membership is intended for those non-coaching/non-playing/non-administrative volunteers designated by the club director, to help clubs at events as Site Directors, volleyball handler/retriever, work team participant with appropriate certifications, or the like. Adults participating with Junior club programs will require background checks. Be advised that it is necessary to carry the USAV Volleyball membership card, denoting any certifications and background screening status, at all events.
- All adults participating with Junior club programs require USAV background checks, a Junior Club Personnel Code of Ethics (JCPCOE), and SafeSport certification. Be advised that it is necessary to carry the USAV Volleyball membership card, denoting any certifications and background screening status, at all events.
- ALL MEMBERSHIPS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Excelsior is registered as a not-for-profit corporation in New York State. Membership is not transferable to another individual. Membership is transferable among clubs and Regions of USAV.
- Memberships (EXCEPT COLLEGIATE MEMBERSHIPS) can be applied for and paid online via credit card through the SportsEngine Link. Membership application and payment on-line is strongly recommended, for both tryouts and all others, in order to expedite processing.
- A $5 Administrative fee is charged for membership applications received on paper that have an online access available
- Memberships are not valid (current) until payment is received and processed. An email will be received that says “membership approved”. Completing the membership application online and paying by credit card results in the immediate processing of memberships.
- A Collegiate Membership application must be accompanied with a current Enrollment Verification Form from the college being attended on a full-time basis.
- ALL Junior Club Directors, Tournament Directors, Adult Team Reps, Tournament Directors and Club Admins must have a full-season registration and are also required to attend a Mandatory Annual Administrative Meeting in order to be granted Admin access and/or Event Approval.
- Club Directors/Team Reps:Use of all 3 of the updated forms (Club Application, Registration Transmittal and Registration List) are required to be submitted for accurate processing.
Get Registered with US!
Below you will find all of our membership options to be a part of Excelsior Empire. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact your club directors first. If you are a club director please contact Laurie Muollo and she will be able to assist you.